In Calgary I spent some time with my dear friends, Gary and Merilyn Webber, who Pastor the Garden, a Foursquare Church. I always enjoy visiting Gary and Merilyn--we get to talk about philosophy of ministry and share ideas. Iwas so thankful for the encouraging stopover.
On Friday I set out for Saskatchewan where I was to teach our Foursquare Pastors and leaders in their annual conference. What a treat it was for me to stay with Gary and Sherrie Waugh in their home, which once belonged to Prime Minister Diefenbaker's uncle, who was a Pastor. On Friday a few of my friends took me out to the Berry Farm, where we enjoyed Saskatoon berry tea and a scrumptious meal. They laughed when I expressed my suprise with the beauty of their province. Who knew that Saskatoon was so green? We walked along the river bank in the warm sun under the blue sky -- I was almost tempted to pack up and move East. (I'd left rain behind in B.C.)
I spent the afternoon alone , sitting, praying and studying on the grass by the river bank; then in the evening, we began the Seminar on Pastoral Leadership. I loved renewing my relationship with the pastors from both Saskatewan and Manitoba. I'm always delighted to learn of the various cultures. Even in that group, there is such a difference between a church in the city pastored by prophetic Leaders, a church on the Native reserves, a small town church where the Pastors are known and respected by the entire town and a resort, on the shores of a beautiful lake, type church. Success for each of them is measured by totally different markers. There's a very attractive warmth and Godly enthusiasm among all of them. I'm not sure who pr0fited the most, speaker or participants.
I stopped in at a very inviting bookstore called Parables (the store has a cozy coffee bar, reading room and was full of customers) to check on how my books were selling; then I headed for the airport for my flight home. Flying for me is a good quiet time to study for my Sunday sermon and do some editing on my new book. I sit in my little window seat and enjoy the ride. But its always a happy treat to get back and be with Susan. She and Madeline met me at the Abbotsford airport.
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