Its Midnight here in Bangkok. We've just ended another memorable day at the eastern nations Pastora and leaders Conference. 31 Nations are well represented. Its hard to describe how much my world has been widened over these past 3 days
I've sat down or had tea with dozens of world shakers. Not that they are wealthy or powerful in themselves, but they live daily in the power of the Holy Spirit.
This a.m. the meetings began at 7 and the first round ended at 12:30 for lunch. They resumed for the afternoon. At 5 pm the 600 plus delegates were treated to a colorful and flavorful Thai buffet dinner which was followed by a short presentation by each of the 31 nations- in full traditional costumes. wow! What a treat. Each group could do a song ,dance, skit or whatever they chose. I cried as well as laughed as the Sri Lankan team sang about rebuilding the ruins after the tsunami, where 73 of our church members died. A revival has followed the tragedy. Bangledesh rejoiced over the 40 churches they've planted. With 40 more already started. Myanmar has 60 churches and daily live under persecution in danger of jail. Vietnam also in colorful costume, although their churches are not sanctioned and are underground led us in riotous laughter. Probably most exciting is the work in Cambodia. The Foursquare church began only 8 years ago and there are now 2000 churches full of enthusiastic young believers. No wonder we love giving to Missions! Just as amazing are the 12,000 Foursquare churches in Muslim stronghold, Indonesia. To see these groups of 20 or 30 leaders (Cambodia has 101 there), very common people up front singing and laughing was one of the most exhilerating evenings I can remember

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