It's been about 20 years since Terry and Ingrid Janzen first walked into our church, when we were still meeting in Lincoln Elementary School. They'd only been married for a short time, and Terry actually limped in because of a large cast which was wrapped around a serious knee operation. Very shortly after their arrival, Susan and I discovered what a treasure we had received from God. Ingrid was one of the most gifted pianists that I'd ever heard and Terry was a world travelled drummer, as well as having an obvious relational gift.
It was around the same time that we were building our new facility on Coast Meridian and Lougheed Hwy--after we moved in ( February 1987), our church went through a real spike in growth. Terry very quickly began shaping our needed Youth Group. Actually only Susan's and my daughters, and 1 or 2 others were potential participants, but Terry had great vision for a healthy bunch of teens.
Within a year or so, numbers had swelled significantly and we were able to hire Terry at a very modest salary. In faith he left his other job, even though Ingrid was expecting their first son, and stepped into uncharted waters as my Associate Pastor as well as Youth Pastor. It's hard to describe what a strength Terry has been to me over these past 20 years. I cannot imagine not having him standing close beside me. (All of Terry's gifting and skills have been amplified by his multi-talented and loving wife, Ingrid.)
Terry's godly attitudes of honor and loyalty have been a huge strength to his ministry--even though he has had many attractive opportunities to be Lead Pastor elsewhere, he has remained faithful to this call. So often I've said to Terry, "Sure Terry, you would make a great Pastor. I want you to go wherever God leads you." But secretly, I'm praying, "Please Lord, don't call him away!" Thankfully God has continued to answer my pleas. Today with one of the most significant bunch of young people in our Tri-cities, as well as scores of well discipled young adults to his credit, he serves the church as Executive Pastor, beside Gord Demchuk and me.

Thank-you Terry for your friendship and love. You are a priceless gift to me and our church. I love you and pray that you have a happy birthday on November 16!
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