I was reading the story for my devotions today of Mary and Martha. I tend to be like Martha, thinking that I will get rewarded for working harder. But knowing it's really not true. As I was thinking about Martha I noticed something. She was working so hard to please God that she neglected to notice that Jesus was in the house with her. Susan and I were talking yesterday and she was asking where I was. I said I was right there beside her and had been all week. I had never left her side. She said no your body is here but you're somewhere else. Susan refers to my mental absences as being in preacherland. The fact was that my darling wife was in my presence but I was absent. Like Martha I was missing out on the very thing I wanted most out of our vacation. To spend quality time with my wife. I'm trying harder today to be present all the time. There will be a test later on to see if I've really been with her or not.
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