I have in my garden, an acorn tree. Kristy asked me a couple of days ago why I have such an unlikely plant in our front yard. I told her that the acorn tree is a reminder to me of how much God loves persistance. Two years ago Susan and I were visiting her mom who at that time lived on the eleventh floor of a seniors high rise. On her balcony I was planting a spring time array of geraniums and petunias and a few other colorful flowers. The pots which had been left over from last year were crusty and so I removed the old dead plants and began to break up the soil. One pot though had a four inch high green sprout. Thinking it was a weed I pulled it out. That was when I discovered the acorn at its root.

"Mom" I called to her "Where did this come from?". She told me that a squirrel had climbed up the eleven stories of stucco wall to hide it from the other critters for his winter reserve! I was impressed Mom said I could have the little sapling so I brought it home and planted it in the front yard! To me that little squirrel was a picture of persistance. If God makes such a big deal of that virtue I figured I should too. Remember the women who wouldn't take a no from the unrighteous judge or the Canaanite lady who insisted that even the puppies get the crumbs off the masters table. Remember how God changed Jacobs name to Israel after he wrestled all night with Jesus? "Your name shall be Israel because you have. Striven with God and men and have prevailed!" Genesis 33:24-31
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