I've decided to take the month of July off. I'll still preach on Sundays, but for the most part, I'm going to be staying home and working on projects. My main project is to write a sequel to "Dancing with the King" that I wrote while on vacation in Mexico in April. I have prepared an outline and hope to work on a chapter a day until its done. This second book will be entitled "Sitting with the King". It will flow out of the Gospel stories about Jesus talking with his disciples and explaining how the Kingdom of God works.
Yesterday I spent much of the day writing a children's book on the subject of "Dancing with the King". It's taken from a picturesque parable that Ezekiel told about the Kingdom of God. Hopefully my daughter Kristy will be able to use it this summer. She's the main teacher at Kids Camp in August and the theme is about the Kingdom of God.
After writing that story, I did a bit of physical work helping my neighbours expand their lawn space. I find both, physical work and helping my neighbours exhilerating--one benefits the body and the other benefits the soul. This morning, Susan and I are off to get my car fixed. A worn bushing is causing my car to lean to the right, so we're off to spend a few hundred dollars on something that nobody can even see, but will help us travel safely down the road of life. Wow, did you get the lesson in that metaphor?
1 comment:
Wow, what a metaphor. Great crown. Looks like the jewels are being polished ;o) Your line is full. I can just imagine what sitting with the King must look like. I love teamwork....the kingdom......ah, what a subject. As usual, I can't wait to see your book and read your thoughts....you are so insightful. A great mentor at that!
Here is to the king who not only dances and sits but, who also wears his crown well.
God Bless,
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