Today, as I worked in our yard and caught up on some long overdue weeding and trimming, I spent some time in meditation about some Biblical lessons from the gardens of Israel. The pomegranate has long been one of my favorite fruits, so I reflected on what I knew about it while I worked.
The pomegranite was considered to be the fruit of kings, and therefore when it was mentioned , it was a graphic picture of our place beside Jesus, as rulers in training, in his Kingdom. If you take a pomegranate and turn it up-side-down you will notice that there is a crown (like an apple) on it. That was where the first kings got the idea of placing a 5 pointed crown on their heads as a symbol of their royal authority.
Solomon had pomegranites carved into the top of the tall pillars around the glorious temple that he built for God, and God had the priests sew little pomegranite shaped decorations on the bottom of their robes. They represented at least 3 things: One was that we all have been given authority as priests and kings in God's Kingdom. Two is that our authority comes as we recognize our lowly place (The bottoms of their robes dragged on the ground) And three is that the fruit is especially noted for its prolific seeds. We too, as priests of God, carry Kingdom seeds to generously plant wherever we walk in a day. Remember those three important lessons the next time you eat a pomegranite or have grenadine in your drink (It comes from pomegranites)
Probably most signifigant is that pomegranite leaves are one of nature's best medicines. Ground leaves have been used for years to settle upset stomachs or to cure diarhea. As Ezekial prophecied "Their leaves shall be used for healing."
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