God loveas persistance. Several months ago, I decided to cut down a Maple tree in our front yard. We live on Vinemaple Place, so I had thought a Maple tree would be appropriate for the front of our home. But I wasn't satisfied with the show of leaves. They wilted too fast and looked weary.
In the spring, I cut down the tree that I figured was not doing his job. I felt a little like Jesus cursing the fig tree because it didn't do what it was supposed to do. I replaced the Maple with a Willow tree, which is one of my favorites. Then I cut the leaves and the trunk of my Maple tree and thoroughly buried them. There's an area at the side of our home that needed to be raised up several inches, so I buried the pieces of my hacked up tree and covered them with grass clippings and a few inches of dirt. My plan is to plant lawn there in September.
But lo and behold, up pops a new Maple tree from its grave! I have not watered or attended to that area all summer-- I'd all but forgotten about the corpse beneath. Here's a snap-shot of the persistant little tree. Of course, out of respect and admiration for its boldness, I'll plant grass around it and keep it as a reminder of how much God loves us to push through adversity--even death!
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