Saturday was Blossom’s funeral. It was a very uplifting experience. As I mentioned, she planned everything and it went well. Some children sang, “Big House” which is about heaven. The chorus is:
Come and go with me to my father's house.
Come and go with me to my father's house.
It's a big, big house with lots and lots of room.
A big, big table with lots and lots of food.
A big, big yard where we can play football.
A big, big house, it's my father's house
At the graveside, we had a balloon release. Forty-eight of them. One for every year of Blossom’s life. It was really awesome.

One of the reasons I like funerals is because I get to talk about life – life in Jesus and eternity. A lot of people who attended Blossom’s funeral probably don’t go to church. Maybe they’ve never even heard about Jesus. But a funeral gets them thinking about their own mortality. People always seek me out afterward and want to meet with me at some point to ask questions. I get excited about that. There’s nothing I like to do more than to share the gospel. It’s what I live for.
I had many people tell me how positive, uplifting and encouraging Blossom’s funeral was and many of those attending hung around for 2 hours afterward. I didn’t get to stay long, though, because I had another funeral. I’ll probably talk about this later in the week. It was for the young man who committed suicide.
I’ve got a busy week planned, so drop by again soon.
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