Saturday June 2
Susan and I are at the Abbotsford Airport on route to Calgary. Garry Webber, pastor of the Garden Foursquare Church will pick is up and host us for the weekend.
On Sunday after I speak at the morning service, I'll be leading an afternoon conference on one of my favorite subjects-church growth. Having studied and practised the subject for the past 30 years it's a privilege to be able to pass on what I've learned to others.
I love the name of the Calgary church-The Garden! So many principles I've picked up in my own garden are applicable to the church. If you want to have a healthy and abundant crop in the seasons ahead now is the time to plant and nurture the seeds. There are many natural principles that we probably all know. We simply have to discipline ourselves to do them. For example, every garden, whether flowers, fruits or vegetables needs 4 essential nutrients-nitrogen, potash, phosphoric acid and lime. If any one of them is lacking, the garden will languish. Its the same with the church. There are 8 essential nutrients necessary to a fruitful congregation. If all 8 are infused growth and health will be automatic. God has intended every living thing to be fruitful
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