Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dorothy (Dot) Archer Graduates

Yesterday we celebrated the home-going of a dear friend in our church. Dot has been one of those priceless elders who is always at the church. She and her Muskateer friends spend their days serving God by serving others. Whether praying behind the scenes or helping in the kitchen, Dot continuously found her place in ministry.

It's always interesting to me when I get to meet the family of someone I only know in a church context. I love it especially when there is a video collage of pictures. Although I've known Dot for a few years, I only saw her as an older little grey haired saint (That's probably how people see me too! At least the older grey haired part!) , but seeing Dot's family portraits was enlightening. She won a most beautiful baby contest; she was an active athlete. She was a real clown who loved to entertain her friends; there were pictures of her piloting a speed boat; clad in leather jacket riding a Harley and above all Dot was a loving mom and grandmother. Her easy to love family are a testimony to her strength as a capable and loving single mom.

We'll miss you Dot, but you deserve the reward you are now enjoying!

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