On Sunday Susan and I had a rare privilege. We sat together at a friend's wedding. Terry Janzen has been my dear friend and associate pastor for about 20 years, and he officiated at the wedding of one of his former associate pastor's wedding, while we got to soak up the ambience of the very beautiful and historic St Peter's Anglican church downtown Vancouver, and enjoy the delightful ceremony.
Another reason the wedding was so meaningful to us is that Shane and his family were among the first adherents of Northside Church 27 years ago. For all those years we 've had the delight of watching Shane and his sisters grow from infancy into maturity. Shane's eldest sister, Caralee is married to our nephew David, and Tawny his 2nd sister, is married to Ryan whom we also have known forever. The group of them are among the scores of a new generation of strong leaders in our church. Becky also is the lovely daughter of friends and adherents of Northside for at least 20 years. That's why Sunday was such a proud and happy day for us.
The wedding was perfect. After a rainy morning, the sun shone brightly down on the handsome couple. Added to the bevy of gorgeous bridesmaids and dashing groomsmen, were 6 of Shane's and Becky's young nephews and neices. They ranged from under 2 to about 6 years old but behaved like little angels.
Shane and Becky you have a strong and healthy history. May God richly bless your happy future together.
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