In the Southwest USA mountainous deserts, lives a large tree-like flower called a Century Plant. It actually does not take a hundred years to grow, but it does grow very slowly. After the Century plant reaches a height of about 6 feet and a width of 12 feet, it stops growing for approximately 25 years. There it stays until one day 20 or 30 years later, inexplicably the plant starts to grow again.
As if beckoned by an inaudible voice, a trunk-like asparagus shaped stem shoots out of the waiting plant. From that stem, at a rate of about 6 or 7 inches a day, the Century plant shoots up to an amazing height of 30 to 40 feet over the following 2 months. Then it produces a beautiful yellow floral crown on top that lasts for 3 weeks. Amazing!
The Century plant is a good picture of the way we as Christians mature. Sometimes we think that we should just keep moving forward without interruption from the day we receive Jesus' gift of life on. But not so. There are often times when the Holy Spirit says to us "OK stop here for an undisclosed season, deepen your roots, and wait! I'll tell you when to go forward and it will likely come when you least expect it!" Isaiah said it well, "They that wait upon the Lord will rise up like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint." Maybe this is one of those times for you. God is teaching you one of the most difficult lessons in the Christian life-- to wait.
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