One of the young ladies in our church, Ashley Fabbian, was reading my book along with her mom Irene, when she got the idea of presenting it to her teacher and class. Her teacher was most gracious and allowed Ashley to retell a story from the book.
Then Ashley confidently asked her teacher if her pastor and author of the book, The Secret to Happiness, could be a guest to their class. She said yes and so did I.

“Getting candy.”
“Going to Disneyland.”
“Christmas morning.”
So I knew I had some work to do in getting them to understand that happiness flows from generosity. I used a little story (which I plan on publishing) about a cow who wanted to keep her milk for herself and a sheep who didn’t want to lose her precious wool. The kids grabbed hold of the idea!
They were wonderful. They talked about giving their too small clothes to others, sharing their toys and helping the poor children with special projects to raise money.
I think children are the most ready listeners—what a perfect time to teach Godly values (like generosity) and life principles. Thank God for the thousands of primary teachers who are helping us parents shape a generation of tomorrow’s leaders.

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