We had to have all of our stuff on the bus by 6:30 this morning because we were going to change hotels. Our first stop was Bet Shean, which is an amazing archeological dig that gives a picture of life 3500 years ago.
Bet Shean is a ? (a high hill with several layers of successive civilizations piled on top of each other). Although some of our group were saying they’d seen enough old rocks for a lifetime, this was a fascinating walk through history.
We then set out in the blazing heat to Gideon’s spring where God chose 300 of his men to fight the Mideonites. Whoever lapped the water out of his hand life my brother Rob was chosen to fight on the memorable

Our ride to the top of the Golan Heights was impressive. From the high plateau we could see the entire 14 mile long Sea of Galilee. We could clearly see where Jesus taught, delivered the demoniac of Gederenes and spend most of his days. Our hotel
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