Friday, August 17, 2007

Saturday August 11

Today I took a quick flight over to Nanaimo where a wonderful thing happened, but also, something very sad took place. I’d never been on a seaplane before, so taking off in Vancouver was an exhilarating experience.

The happy event was a wedding. My good friend Gaetan DesJardine finally took the leap after meeting the love of his life, Lindsay Woods. Their names, “the Garden” and “the Woods” made a wonderful analogy of marriage. The couple was radiant as they gazed into each other’s eyes in the very impressive sanctuary of Maranatha Foursquare Church.

But the sad thing was, I lost my faithful Blackberry while at the service. I went through serious withdrawal returning, and living the next 3 days without it. Thankfully, Gaetan was able to bring it to me on Monday.

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