February 19, 1918 – March 10, 2007
Dad has been an imitable model as a man, Christian, husband, father, grandfather, friend and business man. He has positively influenced many thousands, yet he remained quiet and humble throughout his 89 years of life.
Ten words that describe him are gracious, gentle, encouraging, intelligent, kind, teacher, solid, peaceful, selfless and winsome.
Dad loved God faithfully; loved his wife romantically; loved his family proudly; loved work diligently; loved nature passionately. He has left a strong legacy for us who have known and loved him, which will be remembered and treasured for generations to come.
“Thank you Lord for your generosity in giving this great man to show us the right way to love and live”.
My prayers are with you and your family.
Heather Foxcroft
Uncle Barry,
You did an incredible job with Grandpa's eulogy. Another window was opened to know him better. Thanks for your thoughtful words.
Pastor i am happy that your dad is having a good time with the LORD...i am proud to know a person like you who is very STRONG.
Godbless you more and more..
praise le,
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