I'm not talking about a real kicking and crying baby-- It's too late for human babies to be produced by this old guy. Rather I'm talking about my newest book Walking with the King. This week the presses are running madly and by Thursday, I'll pick up my baby from the printer. I still find it exciting to flip the pages of a freshly produced book with my name on it. Counting the children's books, this is number 16.
Walking with the King is about the 3 year journey that Jesus' 12 disciples took beside him as they traversed the 90 miles between Tyre and the Southern towns of Judea. We get to listen in beside him as he told stories, taught life lessons, encountered demonized victims, healed blind men and lepers, and shocked his weary disciples when he walked toward them on the waters of Galilee. ( I can hardly wait until our International Copnvention in Israel, in July, when Susan and I will get to walk on the same dusty paths!)
This 2nd book in the Kingdom series will help teach us how to live life in the Kingdom of God. Compared to our upside-down world, Kingdom values are mind blowing. They are well summarized in one of Jesus' teachings "You can't live until you die!" The disciples who walked in Jesus' big footsteps didn't even get it until after he rose from the dead, I'm working now on the 3rd book of the Trilogy, called Sitting with the King. That one will be about sitting beside him on his throne and actually practising using our Kingdom tools. It'll be a blast!
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