Saturday, March 03, 2007

Cultivate and keep

Probably the question that I am asked more than any other is "What is my purpose in life?"
Especially after I say that we are all going to be asked by God "Did you do what I told you to do?"
We're given a couple of very strong clues as to what our purpose is in the first couple of chapters of Genesis. Genesis 1:26 and 27 says that Adam and Eve were both given an assignment to practise rulership. That hinted at the fact that we are in training for ultimate rulership.

Then in the next chapter of Genesis, Moses wrote that Adam's specific assignment was to cultivate the garden and to keep it (or protect; build a hedge around it) Cultivation has to do with his being fruitful, or accomplishing his assigned work. The assignment each of us are given has to do with our basic gift that was wired into each of us when we were conceived. It will relate to our family, our work and our ministry. Keeping (or protecting) has to do with our vigilant care and protection of that assignment from the invasive schemes of the enemy. I'll talk more about that in my message tomorrow.

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