One of the primary goals that I have for both Northside Church and the Foursquare Church of Canada is to promote International multi-cultural growth and fruitfulness. The theme was central to our founder, Aimee Semple McPherson's vision, "Dedicated unto the cause of Interdenominational and World-wide Evangelism" and is still firmly etched into the foundation stones of Angeles Temple.

Sister Aimee was a leader in the integration and equalization of those who had been persecuted in the USA, Blacks, Mexican, Gypsies, Jews and any other excluded minorities were lifted up and honored by her in a day when most churches had become frighteningly exclusive.
Canada has done a good work of equalizing immigrants from the nations of the world, and making our nation a model of multi-culteralism. (We have not done well by equalizing all faiths. In a nation where the large majority are "Christian" in belief, we have elevated all religions to sit side-by-side and slightly above Christianity).
But when it comes to traditions, customs, celebrations, languages and cuisine, we've learned so much from other nations. The rainbow of cultures has made Canada a very attractive nation. We have some of the most multi-cultural cities in the world here. Toronto leads the planet in multi-ethnicity!
So it's time the church caught up. We, whom Jesus said should provide a "house of prayer for all nations" have been strangely exclusive for the past years.
At Northside Church, we celebrated our International Ministries on Saturday. We had representation from 32 nations at the banquet. 370 of us crowded into our colorfully decorated Coquitlam sanctuary to celebrate our many cultures and food. Several languages were used in the entertainment, testimonies from many ethnic believers, celebration of our missionary work and great food from different nations was devoured.

Pastor Sam & Lily Ong (and their large team) planned and executed a very fun and successful evening.
In our Canadian Church too, we've expanded multiculturally. Of all the many church births and adoptions currently in process at least 12 of them are largely other nationalities with ethnic pastors. And there are many more in our expanding womb.
wow! sister aimee is indeed an inspiring leader!
wow! thats indeed a wonderful get together of multicultural gathering!:)daddy.
yeah,thats quite true that canada is quite interesting place!
i wish to join this celebration one day:)daddy
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