On Thursday I enjoyed a very great privilege. After having coffee with Pastor Randy and Cheryl Barnetson in downtown Vancouver, and leading Blake and Christine's wedding rehearsal at First Baptist on Burrard Street, I hea
ded to Main and Hastings, which is in the heart of Vancouver's east side drug culture. Our Foursquare Church, called "Street Church" was started there by Randy and Cheryl several years ago. We've had dozens of ex-addicts come to our Port Coquitlam Recovery House after finding Jesus at Street Church. That's why Northside Church gives several hundred dollars every month to support this ministry. When Randy and Cheryl, who still serve as Unit Leaders to our Native churches in Canada, moved to California, they turned the ministry over to Papa Joe. Years ago Papa Joe wandered in a drunken stupor into the church. He was born again that night and never drank again. After completing his Bible training, Papa Joe became a pastor. My function on Thursday was to say thank you to Papa Joe, who is continuing ministry to his tribe in Lillooet, BC; but also to pray for Pastor John Sanders, John has followed Papa Joe and serves as pastor now of Street Church. W
hat a lesson on love, acceptance and forgiveness it was to see Suburbanites regularly come in to cook and serve food, as well as town drunks, streetpeople and ex-addicts singing and visiting together. The very fact that they accepted me in my clean shirt and slacks spoke loudly of their soft hearts and open acceptance. I left the service with a strong sense of godly pride in one of our most distinctive Foursquare ministries.

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