Friday, July 06, 2007

Thursday July 5th

We woke up to rain this morning and the weather has continuously become more Vancouverish since.
Breakfast at the Inn was delicious and the conversation with Peter and Donna Colpitts was even better.
Peter and Donna serve alongside Forest and Jean (who are right now in St John celebrating the birth of their first granddaughter) as house church pastors. They have a strong vision and zeal to open other House Churches in remote areas of the Atlantic.

Mabel our GPS friend then led is to the Kingston Penninsula to the home of Pastor Paul and Barbara Smith. What a gorgeous setting high up on a bluff overlooking a verdent valley of water and trees! After lunch with them and son Garvin Paul took üs to see the oldest church in NB built in 1789. (interestingly a brochure in the foyer says they receive e-offerings)

We then drove to their Foursquare Church which is being repainted. This church building was constructed in 1871. A Lady named Mary Jane McDougal wanted a church for non-Anglicans so took up an offering among the neighbors. The bill of $502.00 for building materials still hangs on the wall.
What impressed me most besides the love and dedication of Paul and Barbara was the fact that all the churches in the area share a Youth Pastor. United Baptist, Anglican, Independant and Foursquare got together to hire a young woman to pastor their combined youth!

Tonight we will meet with the highly respected Unit Supervisor of the Atlantic churches

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