Friday, February 09, 2007

I was a bad boy

That's what the lady behind the counter at the passport office told me this week. Susan and I got my passport application filled out and signed, had my pictures taken and then we quickly drove out to the Surrey Passport Office to get in the long line-up. After 3 1/2 hours of patient waiting, I finally got up to the nice lady behind the booth. She looked over my meticulously filled out documents and asked, "Where are your tickets?" She went on to explain that I could not have my passport extended without tickets in hand. I would have go home, purchase tickets and return another day!

So home we went. The problem was that I have had a few problems with my passports. Two have gone through the wash and one was stolen during our trip to Spain last year. The government saw me with my record of loss as some kind of a terrorist, so they would only issue me a passport for one year at a time. Then you can only travel to a foreign destination if you have 6 months left on your passport. W e are planning to be away about 3 times in the next few months so Susan ordered tickets for all 3 trips.

Tickets in hand I returned to the Passport office on Wednesday morning. After waiting in line again, I stood before another stern-faced clerk. She looked over my records, first of all handed me back my application and pictures, saying "You don't need these!", and then she said very seriously, "You are a bad boy. You'll be very lucky if they even renew your passport. I'm taking your passport and you probably won't get it back till June."

I left the building head hanging in shame, without my passport to freedom. I should never have gone there in the first place. I guess I'll be home for a while.

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