It's amazing to me how fast time flies by--it accelerates as we zip through each decade. Our second daughter Kristy turns 34 this week. Wasn't it just last week that we brought her home from the hospital. Kelly was only 15 months old at the time and she had no intentions of sleeping through the night. What were we going to do with two of them? I said to Susan at the time "If you take care of Kristy at night, I'll handle Kelly." What a mistake that was! Kristy slept through the night almost immediately, while Kelly demanded my attention for months to come!
Kristy was a delight to raise; a little challenging from about 11 to 15, but a breeze after that! She completed Grade 10 piano as a young girl, taught up to 52 students music, while attending university full time; paid all of her own way, and graduated by 22 with a teaching degree. She married her childhood sweetheart, Jeremy, that year and they've been happily maturing since then.
Now 12 years and 3 children later, Kristy not only is a mom, teaches at school and is the President of our 60 student Wee College, but she also serves as Lay pastor of our Kids Church, Nursery to Primary ministry. Wow, I'm tired thinking about it! And besides all that she is one of the two best daughters in the world!
Yesterday after church our family celebrated both, her and their 3rd child, Jordan's birthdays. Because Jordy is one of my helpers in any building projects I undertake, Susan and I bought him a tool box and many real tools (at 3 he's ready to graduate from his plastic tools--but I am a little worried about this hammer and their glass coffee table!) "Kristy and Jordan, my prayer is that both of you will continue to walk and work in the sunshine of God's love and in the protection of his strength!" Happy birthday.

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