Jordan is the youngest of our six grandchildren. After Alex and Jacob were born within a week of each other 8 years ago, the kids kept coming. Madeline followed on the first boys heels and then Maxwell came along in the same year. Victoria was born next. She will turn 5 in 2007 and will begin kindergarten in September. When Jordan was born 3 years ago, our daughters told us that he would be the last of the pack.
Because Jordy was a January baby, he won't be able to start school for 2 1/2 years. This is the last of a lot of regular babysitting for Susan, so she's desparately hoping the great grandchildren will come along soon! Because Jordy is the last of the lot and was born some time after Victoria, I think he and I have had more personal time together. He is a helper by nature and loves to bring out his plastic tool kit, donne his goggles, put on his hard hat and work beside me. We've finished several signifigant projects together, and still have a couple of good years before he gets bogged down by 17 years of schooling.
On Sunday Kristy invited several of his church friends over for a Diego Birthday Party. What a delight to see their many friends, adults and kids, socializing together! For a while the group was a bit overwhelming to Jordan and he retreated to the back room to watch Dora and Diego. After a while he came and joined the party, blew out the candles and opened his presents. That party will have to be the last for a while. Our next family birthday doesn't come until next week when his mom crosses another year marker!
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