Sunday, January 29, 2006

Tri-City Pastors Pray Together

On Wednesday, I spent all day fasting and praying with many of our Tri City (Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam and Port Moody) pastors at Timberline Ranch. We do this annually in addition to our regular luncheon prayer and fellowship meetings.

I’ve been amazed over the past twenty-seven years of ministry in our community, how much love and respect that we pastors, of many denominations, have for each other. We make it a point never to get in to discussions about our small differences in doctrines or about church sizes. As far as we’re concerned, we’re all brothers in the same family.

After an individual prayer walk around the expansive ranch (it was a beautiful morning and the grounds were immaculate), and a visit with the horses, we gathered together around a campfire to pray for our cities, provinces, nation and churches. I led us in a communion service before we parted for our homes.

To be honest, I went through an internal struggle to set aside a day for prayer. I thought that I had too much to do, to sacrifice a whole day. What a stupid thought!

My spiritual conflict was really the same as the one we often have when asked to give money. “No, I need this money for myself!” Or giving forgiveness, “He doesn’t deserve my love and forgiveness!” Whenever we are challenged to give, whether resources, time or love, we enter into a spiritual struggle. The devil hates us to give because our giving opens the door to God’s blessings!

Anyway, I got past my selfish feelings and went; and as always I had a spiritually and emotionally refreshing time. When I do give of myself, the rewards always more than compensate for the seeming sacrifice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Buzza,

Can you tell me why we should pray? See everyone tells me God has things all planned out. He knew before I was born who I would marry, how many children we would have and when I would die. So, why have my family and friends pray for my health, strength or healing when it's been all decided?