Congratulations Prime Minister Harper!
I believe as God encourages us to, that we have a responsibility and privilege to honour, respect and pray for every power who rules. Whether we like what they stand for or not, the Bible says that God raises up and puts down political leaders at his will.
All throughout history, God has used both good and bad leaders to fulfill his purpose. We were studying last night, in our Bible Study, how God purposely raised up King Cyrus in Persia to do his bidding. One hundred and fifty years before Cyrus was even born, Isaiah prophesied what his name would be, what he would do and how he would do it. Amazing!
God has a good plan for Stephen Harper. How awesome it is to have an evangelical Christian in the highest se

Whatever Mr. Harper does, good or bad, it will disappoint some Christians, who have unrealistic and lofty expectations that he should make Canada into a Christian country. At the same time, whatever he does will bring sharp criticism from antagonists who see every action as being too Christian! God bless our Prime Minister.
I believe that having an evangelical believer in the Prime Minister’s chair will take the plug out of the free flow of God’s grace in our nation. There will be a new found freedom in the spirit realm, but also a rise of spiritual opposition from the evil one who hates righteousness and godliness.
God bless our Prime Minister and the members of his parliament!
Looks like a great building.
Bathroom Review
Hey PAstor B
I think we need to pray for the maintenance guys who have to look after those old builings!!1 oops gotta go I think a sink needs fixin' Rick
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