A critical response to the Golden Compass movie and book. One of our Foursquare pastors has done some good research on this movie being released this week. I've printed it for your review and consideration. Typically I don't like to make a big deal about anti-God or anti-church movies because negative press still attracts attention, but I feel this movie's producer's
motives need to be made clear.
motives need to be made clear.
I've tried to open your statement on the Golden Compass, and I can't. It says that Windows Media Player doesn't support it. What should I use to open it? Can I see a printed version just to read what is being said?
The Golden Compass paper is a pdf document, so you will need to download adobe acrobat reader to be able to read it. Or, if you send your e-mail to cjordan@beausjeourchurch.ca, I can e-mail you the document in Word format. Blessings!
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