Today I arrived in the Ilongo speaking city of Ilo Ilo (it means long nose) In this city also I have many friends. I met my hosts, Pastor Joemarie and Nora Sulmaca, on my first trip to the Philippines with Evangelist Don Schellenberg in 1998. This city is considered to be the Athens of the Philippines because it boasts 14 universities. The conference was packed with enthusiastic pastors and leaders who worshipped with great gusto! Again the seminars were action packed and very fun. We laughed till we cried many times. The days zipped by quickly. My time is fully occupied with ministry from about 6 am until 9 at night so other than to call Susan a couple of times a day I don't take personal time. Once I get in the zone I tend to stay there. I'm just finished speaking at this Conference now. (Saturday evening). After I give my Thanksgiving Sunday sermon tomorrow at Pastor Joemarie's church, I'll head for Manila to meet the president of the Philippine Foursquare Church at 6 am Monday. Val and Sally Chavez and I will drive about 6 hours north to get to Baguio for conference # 3. I've attached a few pictures of both the conference and the setting. 

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