Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Heading Homeward

Yesterday we enjoyed ourselves touring Prince Edward Island seeing the sights, meeting the incredible people and tasting the great food.

Here are some webcams for you to see what is happening:


We are now headed home.


P.S. We are thankful we will not witness the effects of Wilma which forecasters believe will not hit the Atlantic Provinces as previously thought. After the storm we experienced in Barcelona and on the ship, we were not looking forward to any more incredible displays of nature.


Anonymous said...

Dr. B
I am a new christian, with several tattoos. I heard that there is a verse in the bible that says do not tattoo yourself. I asked a christian friend about that and he said cuz it is in the old testament, that we don't follow some of those instructions so closely anymore. I would really like to know what your opinion on tattoos are. I would be interested in both your Professional opinion and your Personal opinion

Anonymous said...

WOAH, I never knew my PASTOR had a blooger blog! Cool.